Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Sweetheart Librarian

I had a question over the phone today from a patron who explained the contents of a book - Canadian author who wrote about himself and his son; had to do with them watching movies - now she couldn't remember the title.

It didn't take me too long to find the book as I had heard of it. She called me a sweetheart for finding it so quickly and relieving her of her headache.

A few days ago, I helped a patron (she was about 80 years old) find books on dating and relationships by Dr.Phil. This patron has promised to bring me flowers some day for all the help I offered.

I must be having a good month........Hope this luck lasts.......

In case you are wondering about the title in the first case: Film Club: A True Story of a Father and a Son by David Gilmour.


ush said...

keep it up!
good luck.

Tamara Marnell said...

Isn't it a rush when that happens? I always acquire a happy glow when a patron asks me if we have a specific title, and I can zip over and pull it off the shelf directly from memory. But sadly, no one has offered me flowers :(