Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Job at University

It'll be a month (tomorrow) since I started this new job and it is time to write. I love challenges and so I like my new job. It is very, very, very different from anything else I have done in a library but I would like to think I'll do well.

I don't have to sit at the reference desk or answer reference questions onlinephone. I don't teach, at least not yet. I don't have to worry about circulation. I had plenty of that at the public library which kept this blog amusing, at the very least, entertaining. Now I deal with vendors and negotiations. Most of my day is spent talking about access issues (or just questions I have), filing away renewal notices, journal vouchers, bills, receipts, invoices, etc; making sure the right invoices get to the right people, everything on the excel sheet balances and can be accounted for and some more.

Since I have only been here for a month, a lot of my time has been spent meeting people and undergoing training sessions which I hope will wind down soon. Then I get to travel, first within the city and then outside - doing displays and promotions - and in spring I can choose to fly away to a conference some where.

Between these two I will be involved in some strategic planning. I am really looking forward to that too. Got to go find some books on that subject so I don't look too dumb while in action.


Rajeev said...

Great! Am sure you'll enjoy being in a university setting. What's the name of your University?


ush said...

sounds like a good position. hope you get to enjoy it a lot too. take care

A said...

Hey! I've been somewhat following ur blog and I've found it to be quite entertaining! I myself work in a public library so I can relate in most cases to the humor that takes place in such a setting. I was wondering how u're finding the academic library to be? I've been in a public system for quite some time now and am contemplating a move to academic but I'm a bit apprehsive about it as I'm not entirely sure what a position at a university library entails. Do you like it better than the public system or is it too early to tell

Maha said...

Thanks Usha and Rajeev. Rajeev check you email.

MK said...


Thank ;you for your comments. I always wanted to work in an academic setting - don't know why!!
Probably because of that I am enjoying it. I have taken a coordinator position where I am not doing any teaching or reference work. I thought I would miss meeting patrons, but I don't seem to so far. My hours are fairly flexible as long as I put in 8 hours - I can come at 10 and stay till 6 or come at 8 and stay till 4. I have taken one day off as my Research Day so I will only work 4 full days. There are lots of meetings and committee work to attend or do - not unlike a public library setting, but at a much more deeper, serious level. So, what an academic library position entails will certainly depend on where you live and what position you have taken. Anyone I know who has had an academic library position has enjoyed it very much. On the other hand if you are the kind of librarian who likes to do crafty things with patrons then a public library would be a good place. Hope this helps.