Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's the season to be sick!

As far as I know I am not allergic to anything - dust, flowers, cats - none of them. But living in the cold weather where I do, cooped up in heated buildings all day in winter or airconditioned buildings all day in summer I think I am beginning to get some allergies. There is no fresh air unless I make the effort to go for a walk.

I had a flu shot this time and still got sick. Go figure! I had it bad last year and hence the decision to get a shot this year. Not much changed.

It also does't help when patrons with all sorts of smells come in. The other day I walked by our computers and at the end of the walk I was sniffing myself. There was a horrible BO all around. Remember I had cold which also means a stuffy nose. The odour must have been so strong!

I was glad to find out it wasn't me. The whole area was perfumed! by BO. And a few minutes later walks in a lovely lady with heavy fruity perfume. My headache and sneezing just got worse!



Anonymous said...

hmm..yes, go figure.. same here.
get well soon. take care

Amos said...

Take care...AM