Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I am ready for the future library. Are you?

Thode library at McMaster is renovating. All that is old is being gutted or moved to make room for new.

Personally, I am ready for a library with diner-style booths and oversized ottomans. I am ready to face print vs. electronic challenge. We know that the younger generation is looking for more and more electronic ways of finding information and communicating them. If we don't meet their needs, there will be no point in having a library.

I work at a wonderful library and yet completely understand when patrons get frustrated that we do not fulfill their needs: no downloading previleges, adobe doesn't really work on our old computers and modern saving technology such as USB sticks and even CD's are not an option yet. But we are heading into the future slowy and surely.

What use would we be of, as libraries, if we didn't cope with changes and go into the future with our patrons? What was it S.R. Ranganathan said - Books are for use! Yes. There weren't online resources in his days or he would have said online resources are also for use.

Let's change! Library is indeed a growing organism. Let's grow with it and embrace all that is changing.

Click here for more on H.G. Thode's Library of Science and Engineering at McMasters.


Anonymous said...

Great post! Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jeff.


Anonymous said...

Good. The print media got its own importance.For example if we reads a book one can imagine the cituation of that book, which will improve the vision of the mind.