Monday, February 20, 2006

Learning through vodcasting and podcasting – the good, the bad and the ugly

This is indeed a great idea. It would stay great if this is also open access – for students I mean. Suppose I live in some far away country and go to a University where the professor is about to retire and does not care much about the subject he is teaching, I can always go online to the big North American universities and quench my thirst for knowledge. It would be ideal if the papers they mention in class are also available via Open Access.

But, what about the professors who teach? Are they okay with their lectures being heard in unknown parts of the world? Will they be comfortable teaching or speaking their mind to students when they know someone is watching? Will the government come down on them for expressing their views on religion, politics and what not, every time there is a national disaster? For we all know how 9/11 affected freedom of personal opinions and thoughts and librarians are still trying to work on a perfect Patriot Act.

If Web masters at Universities have a final say in what is broadcast (outside of the University) and what isn’t, doesn’t that make them too powerful. I realize there will be others who have a say in what is allowed for broadcasting openly. Maybe a committee! How will the committee decide? What should the University be afraid of? And for whom? Will they be worried for the professor, the students who learn things from him or for the reputation of the university? Will they be worried about the funds they get, the grants they might not get and the future enrollment of students? Will something discussed in class affect global relationships and international marketing? If for the above fears, professors are told what to or not to talk about in class, doesn’t that affect freedom of expression?

As wonderful as vodcasting and podcasting l sound, I am also apprehensive about it for the above mentioned reasons.

Until next time...

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